La clase de español
Señora Velázquez
The powerpoint that students view on the first day can be accessed by clicking on the link below.  
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Grading Procedures

Homework is assigned when meaningful and necessary.  It is typically graded in class and worth 10 points.  Homework that is late or completed in class is worth half credit.

Quizzes are approximately twice a week.  Chapter tests are approximately every 9-10 days.  You should study a little Spanish every night.
¡Ojo!-->  If you are absent for a quiz or a test, it goes into a folder and stays there until YOU make arrangements to make it up.  After 2 weeks it is no longer eligible to be made up and becomes a zero.
-->  If you are only absent the day before a test and return on test day, you STILL TAKE THE TEST.  The only exception is when you are absent the day before a quiz.

In a language classroom, it is imperative that you participate and speak every single day.  Your level of engagement will be reflected in your grade.  Remember: mistakes are okay, silence is not!

No homework passes are permitted for flashcards.  NO quiz exemptions are permitted until the end of the marking period, when you can switch out one grade with a pass.

Grades are calculated as follows:
Projects, tests and quizzes: 80 % of total grade
Active Participation:  10% of total grade
Homework: 10% of total grade

A cumulative final worth 20% of the final grade is given at the end of the semester.  

You must earn a C or better to be permitted into the next level of Spanish.  

Please be aware that the following are considered plagiarism (in addition to what you already know about plagiarism):  online translations of entire assignments; having a Spanish speaker do the work or tell you what to do.   It is important for you to make and for me to see your mistakes.  I do not expect you to write/speak like a native speaker yet.  I look for proficiency, not fluency at the high school level.
Buenos Aires, Argentina